A broke degenerate hooligan documents conversations about being a Bboy, Breakin', Hip Hop, Dance, Art, Music, Creativity, Innovation, and the slow subtle crumble of society in audio form. Noise Of The Broke Boys is a Podcast by a bboy that discusses breakdancing, art, music, history, philosophy, mathematics, and the slow decay of the mind into madness. This podcast doesn't take itself too seriously, but rather lives in a universe where time and space dissolve into comedic dancing clockwork elves that cynically laugh at the mirror at their own social demise... Or we just talk out breakdance and other BS. https://linktr.ee/NoiseOfTheBrokeBoys . . . . . . . Hip Hop, Breakdance, breakdancer, bboy, bgirl, bboying, bgirling, bboyin, bgirlin, rock steady crew, popping, locking, battle of the year, rocking, flava, redbull bc one, chelles battle pro, r16, freestyle session, undisputed, UDEF, Silverback, Monster bboys, red bull allstars, turntables, djing, djs, dj, disc jockey, emcee, MC, rapper, lyricist, graffiti, graff artist, writer, dance floor, hip hop harry, cypher,
Friday May 01, 2020
Peter - Uncomfortably Fresh Therapy - Noise of the Broke Boys Episode 008
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
Peter of Uncomfortably Fresh Crew, sits down to discuss the therapeutic benefits of breaking and mental strength it can build.
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A broke degenerate hooligan documents conversations about being a Bboy, Breakin', Hip Hop, Dance, Art, Music, Creativity, Innovation, and the slow subtle crumble of society in audio form.
today's episode of noise of the broke
voice is brought to you by social
distancing is there a dangerous zombie
apocalypse pandemic going on outside or
you a pseudo intelligent anti genius
that believes drinking Clorox will cure
you of your ignorance and deplorable
personality either way social distancing
should be your first line of defense
against the dangers of these things
remember to keep six feet away from all
people and always wear a face covering
this will not only keep you both safe
from transferring harmful contagious
diseases but it will allow you to
conceal your unsightly personality for
those of you already acting in a careful
respectful and responsible way thank you
please carry on and stay safe and now on
to the show
in today's episode I sit down with my
good friend peter dinh we both attended
UC Davis at the same time and have been
friends and training partners ever since
meeting he currently works as an
associate marriage and family therapist
in Sacramento California helping all
sorts of folks in the area please enjoy
the episode what's up Peter how you
doing thanks for having me over
yeah I know I haven't seen you a minute
at least since I've got married yeah
active would you say that you're in the
like scale of one to ten ten being like
you're the other one throwing all the
Silverbacks or something like that like
what level involvement you think you are
there it's in the breaking scene yeah oh
dang dude it's low it's probably below
five okay but I don't think that's a
good thing but I think it's just kind of
how my life has put me because I'm like
older at this point I've you know I mean
when I was young
let's say 18 there wasn't really anybody
my age now 32 that was really still in
the scene maybe like a few people very
few handful now that I'm this age
there's a lot more of us all right um
but I guess and I don't know why that is
but I think maybe it comes from being
the whole community being a little more
connected through social media and
whatnot yeah but um I guess being being
used to that and I guess being at the
age where there's you got a lot of stuff
going on in your life breaking some
release the breaking scene kind of takes
a backseat to a lot of that stuff not
that breaking is not a big part of my
life because I go and practice very
religiously all the time and but I treat
it more as like therapy exercise and a
way to stay in shape and a way to like
really stretch my creative mind rather
trained my skills to like be the best
and battle everybody and so I've always
yeah I've always treated breaking as
like this kind of mental exercise to
kind of fix all the holes in my life in
a way I mean there's obviously holes in
everybody's life all over the place
and me as a as an engineer someone who
works in in in that kind of world you
stretch your brain completely
differently then then as a creative
dancer and so the holes that that leaves
in me breaking always fills and it it
obviously feels a lot more than that too
I mean if my if my job was to break I
would need something to fill in the
holes which you know academics
engineering mathematics stuff like that
yeah nerdy type of stuff that fills in
those holes and so I think it's a good
marriage of of activities yeah um but
but anyway so I've always used braking
as kind of like a therapeutic exercise
and that's a lot of why I wanted to talk
to you because I think there's a lot of
therapy in using creative endeavors to
to heal and maybe maintain your mental
relationship or you know I don't know
your your health yeah I would definitely
agree with that what I noticed what
breaking I use it for some similar
things you say some of - and I love this
word I know you know I have to say that
all day breaking grounds me for anyone
that breaks it that also refers to
ground power yeah yeah but um in the
sense where would tell me a few things
you know about mindfulness again I guess
whatever you know well I guess what's
your definition of mindfulness I guess
that you're going forward yeah so let me
hear yours like one thing you know about
mindfulness is
mmm I mean uh probably the first thing
that comes to mind would be say without
saying mindfulness is uh being aware of
something and yeah I guess keeping it in
the forefront of your brain yeah yeah
being being aware of what's going on
right now many times like or I can
imagine people being stuck in their
minds breaking in life where I gotta do
this I gotta do this damn I don't have
this man when I was younger
I'm used to could do this blah blah blah
or later I can't wait till I have this
and when I'm breaking I don't have time
for that because I have to be present or
else what do we say we used to practice
that David hey just just don't die like
a stick that or you'll probably die like
I know I know that was extreme of us to
say it but it made sense and it made you
go for the gusto though yeah it made you
go for the gusto and then it it it put
me in a position where I had to be if
not a hundred percent like 90 is it's
the high 190s percentile that's that's
high eighty ninety per se in those
higher higher percentiles of awareness
and where awareness is awareness in the
body like in in my practice many people
come in clients come in and they're in
their minds yeah or their minds are
thinking over thinking I got to do this
again I have to do this I'm not doing
this I want to be this well when you're
in your body you can only be aware of
how things taste so if you eat shit when
you crash your move oh you know what
that tastes like
my wrist so my wrists and shoulders feel
a lot of pain so being cognizant of ooh
that hurts my wrist
my shoulder let's not do that let's ease
that how can I do that more effectively
music that sound right away look I have
to be present is there a beat there do I
want to be offbeat like you making all
these choices so we talked about hearing
so far we talked about our our what do
you call touch Oh touch I yeah we're
about touch and then you worry about
sight your dusters like your spatial
awareness right we're battling who are
about who do we see where do I see my
foot in relation to in my chest my
everything so that's on that's that's
three senses I don't know how you fit
taste in taste in but maybe it may be
the taste of victory I don't know and
then so I'm what's the last one let's
see we have sight and smell yeah you
smell them stink ass yeah because
because you you know when we stress we
do to stress sweat yeah yeah you're like
oh yeah yeah so maybe tason's 1000
aren't exactly in there but yeah what's
therapeutic what can be therapy about it
is you have to be present mm-hmm it
takes you out of your mind so that
that's that's yeah beauty products
actually one thing I think this connects
to this is uh it was something that poll
one told me was uh that the reason he
likes the word b-boy is because you're
letting your inner child come out to
play you're not a B man even if you're
you know I think what how old is he 40
something yeah he's he's a man but he's
not a B man he's a b-boy because he's
taking himself out of his adult
responsibilities and saying let my inner
child come out to play oh and that's my
god that's what kind of like helps him
kind of patch up everything in his life
I think and that's think that's really
interesting and and it's about being
novel right like you find the and who
find things novel kids yeah oh my gosh
if these boys be girls Oh
that was amazing no you know this kind
of ties into like a lot of the work that
Vince does Vince being my brother um who
has his YouTube channel he teaches in
everything a lot of the people he
teaches are like special-needs kids yeah
and some of the most interesting things
that he says is that a lot of these kids
you know they got troubled lives in
whatever a lot of difficulties at home
and stuff and they can easily go down a
bad path without the right you know
mentors around them and he finds that
some of the most interesting thing that
happened is he he lets them just be kids
in his classes he's like you know here's
here's what breaking is here's some
music to dance to here's some moves I'm
showing you the tools how to do it now
here I'm gonna play some music you guys
go on that side these guys go on this
side and you guys are gonna battle and
just have fun don't worry don't think
too much about it if you want to try and
move do it if you want to do a new move
do it if you don't want to do any of
those moves and do something else just
go for it let your inner child play and
they're out there doing that having the
time of their lives and then he says
they go home and he's finding that a lot
of their home life is kind of being
solved by that in a way a lot of a lot
of things at home still need to get
fixed but at least the difficulties that
they're carrying over into school that's
making them maybe not do so well in
school those things are getting solved
because they they're there they're
having a great time coming to school
because they know that not only are they
gonna learn a lot they're also gonna get
to play let their inner child play - and
it encouraged for them to do that it's
encouraged to let their creativity come
out um let's listen like mess up - it
lets the mess up yeah yeah I think we're
like I don't really like this and
they're practicing your voice over
because when you're in a dance floor
you're constantly making choice you know
and yeah I think so I think failure
creativity are all very tied together
and I think kids learning failure or
and understanding that failure is not as
bad as people make it out to be
eventually a good thing and it's a
necessary part of the possibility to
learn it so yes necessary part of the
process is a good skill to learn and
what do you know they're not learning it
through anything else at school or
traditional school they're learning is
through breakdancing yeah because lay
what they're do playing yeah exactly
they're coming to school playing and
being encouraged to let let their mind
wander let that body wander to cool new
dimensions that they didn't know existed
and they're encouraged to do that and
when they fall down you know one of the
cool things about braking is you a lot
of moves come from falling down yeah oh
like oh man I fell down but it kind of
looked cool let me do that so it doesn't
hurt next time yeah so then you do that
and you're like well yeah I fell and
learned a new move now I don't and it
teaches them how to reflect on that
skill like okay that hurt this joke
actually with people cuz they asked me
you know you got an interesting style
what do you call it
and I I always thought that that was a
dumb question but then I actually
started goofing around and making a joke
about it and saying I call it flopping
cuz it's like taking your flops and
flowing with them and essentially I've
just built my whole style from that oh
yeah I mean hopefully it doesn't all
look like a flop but it's like you're
still in my book and whoever well
because when you're at Davis we
nicknamed you the ultimate flopper I
don't know if you ever remember that but
yeah you're the oats me a flopper like
err flops
he went for an air flare he didn't hit
it but he didn't crash and it was like
but and then you do that and then you
turned it into a different move and then
you just kind of went with it now it's
its own moves yeah no you do it enough
and then people recognize that that's
what he does and then you keep training
and actually learn how to air flare and
now you got two moves you got that air
flop and the air flare yeah I got two
moves and it all came from
letting your mind wander and also hard
work so yeah the spirit of play man like
yeah I can't stress that enough and I
also understand how scary it is though
it is scary it's like too playful yeah
and then well us as adults I mean I
can't speak urged as an adult yeah -
well yet to fail
yes discourage as an adult I mean I
think a lot of the adult world is set up
to discourage creativity yeah go to work
and you go oh I want to do I want to try
something new no stick by the book it's
more efficient it's more profitable to
do it yeah it's tried-and-true when it's
not true that's crazy yeah and and in a
way the business model works well with
that yeah but I think it also damages
which are us personnel yeah yeah people
doing the job it does us real quick
dulls you yeah yeah whereas your
creativity lets you use your knowledge -
dude cool new things and like maybe gain
a better understanding of stuff I mean
like I said my style is built from
flopping and flowing out of it flowing
from flopping yeah and and by I guess by
doing that I was I think it's it's like
I'm in Courage I'm encouraging myself to
explore yeah things and then build
something yeah exploration man that's
what that's that's why - whoever came to
us and stuff there right just explore
the frontiers and we're exploring the
frontiers of our bodies or our minds now
it's going super vague but it make it
make sense it makes sense do with the
adult world you said earlier that um
when we were younger there weren't many
people past 30 that were breaking like
yeah yeah how is that like what goes on
through your mind when you're thinking
that we got like Morris gravity us like
just still going whether or not we're
competing but there's we're still going
our practice still this is the call
those guys from Japan and their 40s
still hitting like the craziest power
like I think it's because of raising
dude breaking is I mean it obviously
it's an art form but along with art
forms come yet the the quest to express
yourself and that is deeply rooted in us
as human beings this is something that
we've always I think you get to an age
and you're like oh I don't necessarily
want to compete anymore but I also can't
get away from this thing because it's it
provides this outlet that I need in my
as a as therapy ER you know or yeah it's
it's just it's part of my life to really
like keep my life together and I mean I
can't imagine myself not breaking mm-hmm
you know if I wasn't breaking there'd be
a lot of holes to fill I'm yeah cuz you
know I like I love moving around and
stuff so I need to have something that
fills that hole I need something that
fills my creativity hole yeah maybe it's
painting or making music or whatever but
yeah I mean the I think breaking
beautifully like collects all that stuff
together yeah you keep mentioning things
about holes and so that got me wondering
what is breaking filling for me exactly
I wanted to say something like
creativity because honestly that sounds
fucking cool and now thinking about it
because I practices first I think of it
as discipline for myself because yeah
yeah cuz yeah some martial art dude it
really is I mean like what's it I don't
actually know nothing of them Martin
martial art I don't really know the
definition of that
I don't even know what Marshall means I
think it comes from like military oh
yeah I mean cuz it's it's like combat
okay and it's I guess it's the art of
combat really but when you select I mean
I'm kind of I'm I'm not saying martial
art as if it really is one but it's so
damn similar yeah like it takes
discipline it takes practice and well I
know when I go to practice there's
there's a few sets and sometimes I
haven't said I just go there and I just
practice my power moves like just and
sometimes I don't do combos and like
right now the last three months I mean
or however long we talked to jihad and I
talked to Alex and I'm only training my
flares that's it and then knowing that
I'm going in there and doing that over
and over and over I know there's people
that come to me like you hope you can
get so much better you're doing this
doing this and then it's giving me the
to practice and doing the same thing
over and over and over is giving me the
opportunity to one show myself that I am
able to discipline myself show myself
that when someone comes over and I
respect them and say hey yo Peter you
should do this to be a better b-boy and
then I can say no I'm yeah yeah I'm
practicing saying no and doing and it
also gives me a chance to give a fuck
about what I want to give a fuck about
cuz yeah we don't have that many fucks
to give no it's a it's a finite amount
to find out about everyone and you lose
more and more every year yeah I mean
it's a finite amount of like again
yeah only gives say five every day yeah
and then you only have a limited amount
of days so it's yeah it's ticking down
so really I mean I really I think
calling it a fuck is funny but think of
that as like currency yeah you have a
bank yeah and it doesn't get really
replenished that much currency it's fun
yeah the currency of the flux of giving
fucks yeah dude like yeah yeah like you
just gave me the the visualization that
when I was younger I have so many I give
a fuck about so many thing and all those
fucks the font is times
Rowman and as the years went by the
amount of fucks decreased and the font
got cooler so I went a little bit too
comics says the militant gothic now I
now I think I'm at like Arial black like
it's simple but not too simple as still
a little a little professional you said
it's a little professional is a little
fun that wasn't my idea by the way that
was that I think Marc Manson the subtle
art of not giving a fuck I just oh yeah
yeah yeah it's a funny book dude yeah no
I want to read that book yes I said it
to you what was I going to say yes so I
used to do martial arts a long time ago
I did Taekwondo for about ten years
before I ever braked and one of the
reasons I stopped doing that I mean I
always loved it but I got to a point
where it felt like such a thing where
everyone was telling me what I needed to
do what I have to do huh and that was
when I and I used to skateboard I mean
which you know that the world of
skateboarding is very like anti
everything like do whatever account
included well yeah it's counterculture
it's and I always was really drawn to
that but it it didn't quite fill all the
voids for me and then when I found
breaking I was like this fills every
void for me and it's very counterculture
it's encouraged to do whatever the hell
I want and so where martial arts was
failing me a little bit Breaking filled
that void and this was before I think
mixed martial arts was really up in the
scene because I know mixed martial arts
now they're like okay now what yeah is
effective and I think that's more so
what I wanted to go towards but I think
breaking offered me a lot of creativity
because it was just like now I'm coming
into a world where there's a move you
know like say I just crashed and made it
I said all that crash kind of looks cool
let me try to make it yeah and I just
keep working at it practicing it
practicing it and now it's a move that
never existed before yeah so it created
this let me make it made me let me make
stuff much like how painting is yeah but
it's an active thing where I can get out
that freaking like you know young man
aggression out onto something and so it
really filled in all the holes for me
and that's what drew me to it and so
like once I found it and I found the
group of people I wanted to do it with I
was just like do you I don't know if I
can keep doing martial arts because this
is what I want to do is breaking this is
a this is the real martial art from me
yeah it's you know I mean I was never
too into fighting always like you know I
always thought that violence was not so
good but I liked martial arts because it
at least teaches you how to handle a
situation yeah but for the for the most
part I don't want it I don't want it to
even go to that point I don't want to
get violent and so when I saw breaking I
was like you know what this is giving
you that combat relationship in a battle
but you're not throwing hands at people
no one's in danger I mean obviously back
in the day there used to be some
situations where people were fighting
and stuff but I don't encourage that but
I think having a competitiveness between
two people or two groups of people is a
good thing to have it provided that for
me yeah that's what I was drawn to and
so like I just kept going with it and
I'm still in love with it as I was back
then yeah I'm not so into the scene as I
was before and that's you know obviously
because I have different things in my
life and I'm a I can't dedicate as much
time to competing in whatever your
relationship to breaking has off to
another city evolved to something else
yeah but very much so my love for it is
the same yeah in fact it's bigger yeah
it's a it's a more nuanced to love now
yeah I guess it's not so once one
variable anymore like when
when anyone I mean I noticed when I
think Jordan Peterson said it anyone can
make an argument from one variable I
love breaking because it's this mmm I
love breaking because it's this but
there's multiple variables yeah when you
get to the point where you're like oh my
gosh I hate it I love it
breaking makes me sad it also makes me
happy it turns me on turns me off breaks
me up teaches me things
teach me bad things and bad habits but
it's all of that like there is not
there's lots of things to tweak in it
it's it's a multivariate thing as as is
many things in life and also everything
everything and everything and everything
worth doing is probably like that yeah
and then to be able to step back and go
as much as long as we've we've been in
this dance for like over a decade
already approaching to decade yeah yeah
oh okay thanks for making me feel dated
anyway oh yeah I'll try to be all like
how you are with it I don't really count
years but then somebody asked me
recently like how long I've been
breaking I was like and you just give my
age but yeah right and then I started
counting like dude it's like almost 20
years yeah for me it's 15 inch 15 16 is
it no dude cuz I didn't start really
until 2002 2001 so like I came toys you
know cuz that's like I started and I was
around 50 so it's like I mean I'm 30 I'm
33 hold it
it's like 17 18 years you know just like
I'm trying to keep myself young alright
no holy crap yeah it's 1780 yeah we
started around the same time yeah
oh my gosh right but I think y'all the
same thing that happened to me when I
was like oh you haven't braking like ten
years in the like way no that doesn't
make any sense
no that still doesn't make any sense oh
my god it's like not too many years off
of 20 like it really is it oh my god
yeah yeah you know and I'm not trying to
say that we're some kind of old geezers
I still feel when people say like oh
you're old school I'm like no I'm middle
school of anything and I stay there like
just that's it I'm just me I'm not
trying to be an OG and I mean in a way
I'm not even like looking for respect
really I've always just wanted to do it
yeah that's just and that's where the
respect comes from yeah like I have my I
have my ideas about breaking but it
again when I notice with like with my
crew uncomfortably fresh whatever we
talk about it's it can be connected to
breaking but we focus on life skills if
when you practice
are you disciplined when you're entering
jams or you doing a move is it
intentional can you reflect back and
think about what you said earlier occur
its effectiveness and then when you
think about effectiveness what thing is
that what are you trying to be effective
at for me personally it's I think it's
effective when things don't hurt like
it's an age thing for me I know some
people say eight like I don't think
about age age age is just a number I I
can understand where it's coming from
that no matter how old you get you can
do things I also believe in balance and
I need to I need to know the limitations
of age so I can effectively do what I
want to do I can't just Huck and chuck
anymore now I have to I have to rely on
angles way more than I have said before
like it's taught you how to be more
precise with it
yes very that's what I've learned yeah
I've always thought of myself as
somewhat precise but it wasn't till Mike
more recently that like because of all
these injuries I've gathered through
through my life it makes it hard to do a
lot of stuff and it forced me to really
like think of every little position that
I'm putting my knees my elbows my
shoulders so that I don't injure myself
and so what I found myself doing is
running through all the moves I have
slowly mm-hmm feck ting every angle then
doing it a little bit faster doing it a
little faster and then you know kind of
like doing it at
the speed is supposed to be at and just
being very mindful of that and over the
years of just doing that building habits
about that it's helped me really um in
better precision and fine-tuned
fine-tuned yet you are now a high-end
yeah you're not not some one of my
friends um Joey chaotic I know I know
yeah I was practicing with him it was
like hope we used to go but he called me
a ninja he's like do you brake silently
you do because you slip and slide yeah
it's like I slide around and I'm I've
always been very like careful about
where I'm putting my foot very
intentional yeah very intentional and I
didn't really notice that until he said
that and I was like oh yeah and actually
that's the thing that I've really been
working on not to be silent but to be
precise and the silence kind of came
with that yes I thought it was really
funny that's when you know you do it
effectively because look at trickers
there's there some that's like boom boom
boom triple but then some years like
you're like dude is he not floating is
he not punching the ground because how
the hell's he gain that much height he's
just learned to hone his like motor
maybe yeah he has that gravity belt on
maybe he took off his 23 pound ankle
weights or whatever he came from the
future where they have actual gravity
belts and just came to the pass and was
like I'm gonna yeah he has like he has
helium has helium suppository pills in
his ass yeah and then it was like oh
shoot I'm going too high so he'll
squeeze his ass little whorish pink
there so pop one dude like like on those
things about doing things are past
superhuman limits I know someone at
there are some of that practice at
dynasty and I respect what he says it's
really awesome you mentioned things
about like um no limits like there's no
limits to the human this and that and
this and that I respect that view when
someone says we have no limits
I also see a side where there's a beauty
to limits because like the other day
with like or latter time me you and live
extent and when you know your limit you
get creative and the prime the prime
example I news and I know not everyone
gets it but I think you might the Super
Nintendo that is Mike that my go to they
are only 16-bit if it's anything else
because someone correct me they only
16-bit the PlayStation came out while
Super Nintendo was there and they and
whoever is working to Super Nintendo
sweat no I want to push it I want to
push it and what happened Donkey Kong
Country came out killer instinct came
out how the hell did they manage to get
3d onto a cartridge they added a chip
into the cartridge that's cool and it's
not true 3d but and they were able to
find a way to mimic 3d like that's where
I think to creativity okay not to
creativity I think a a high level of
creativity and come from when you are
holed into another one
Iron Man when he built his mark one suit
he didn't have shit right in the movie
he was just good and because it was in
the hole he figured out something truly
amazing because you only had you had to
get creative but what was at hand and
then with your injuries you said I gotta
get creative I learned backspin because
of a torn meniscus yeah I couldn't do
anything and I was like yeah I was all
sad and stuff and then I just like laid
on my back it was like well this doesn't
hurt and I just started like spinning
around okay I remember that time is crap
cuz that time way you're practicing back
spins was the time that I tore my
rotator cuff and Ivan I never had like
legit windmills cuz I was all flare
flare stuff yeah and then you got back
smooth I got windmills I was like dude
like we gotta get creative I need to
spin no I need to spin I think the
limitations when you embrace them it
almost gets rid of the limit yeah
through the limitations you surpassed
that limit it's it's it's when you
remove the limitation you think well I
don't have anywhere to go
you're aimless or not I mean you you
respect it it's like you recognize it
and you go I respect that and so let me
find this way around it in a creative
but I'm selecting it it's there like you
know I can't it's something that I have
no control over I'm going to do every
I'm still gonna do what I'm gonna do but
I'm respecting it it's there yeah and
every time you get close you push it a
little you're like oh we're pushing it
you're pushing yourself yeah so so maybe
when someone says no limits you know
what they're essentially saying the same
thing it's a more simplified version and
it makes sense like to to get your point
across like what we're talking about
like earlier about selling a pitch we
got to keep it simple we got to keep the
details out so when someone maybe told
me no limits that's the basic form of it
but when we write our 10 page then we go
into all this so yeah we're all saying
the same thing man like living yesterday
when he was saying you just gotta find
his passion he's gotta find his passion
so that he can yeah yeah something like
that and I was saying value and then I
was like remember the thing I said about
communication 65% by language 35%
delivery and then 7% content that's what
communication is composed of yeah it was
communication composed up and me and Liv
except he said passion I say value but
we knew what we meant because of the
delivery like we didn't need to correct
each other yeah yeah like we got to a
point like hey we're saying the same
thing it is got five more minutes left
man how you want to end this when do our
e-learning yeah what so can you explain
what a real a real learning is okay sure
so in my practice I usually end my
therapeutic sessions with a realer
it's a way to just summarize consolidate
everything that you've talked about in
the last hour hour-and-a-half in our
sessions and a gif it helps give you
something to walk away with it keeps it
reasonable it keeps it manageable cuz
sometimes when you talk for an hour two
hours it's a lot of content you're like
how can I remember all that
bye and this is this is a type of
meditation to is its type of mindfulness
it hones in on what's important at the
time and I give choices cuz you know we
need a little bit choices and anyone can
do this you can do this at home it's a
it's an option anyone wants to try it
it's a very short form of therapy
I mean meditation you just start with
one thing I learned or one thing I
relearned or if that's too hard one
thing I noticed and you start with one
thing it doesn't have to be the thing
that stuck out the most it doesn't have
to be the most important thing it's just
one thing Kurt you want to try it out
first okay how about we both do it I'll
do mine and then you do yours sounds
start by saying it you're in your mind
right now let's get into your body start
by saying one thing I one thing I
is where creativity comes from and that
helped me way and that helped me align
align my life to be more creative thanks
for that one thing I learned about
myself today about what breaking
actually means to me is the discipline
and knowing that I didn't use breaking
one of the reasons and use breaking as a
form of discipline is I feel like I lack
and or need it in some areas and by
practicing it and breaking it just
spills over into other areas and I and I
only noticed that after our talk today
so that's pretty nuts yeah yeah I can
second that for sure I want to change
mine here we go okay I'll counter I'll
cosign that okay we can cosign yeah and
then the another way that I end session
in addition to the learning now we even
consolidate even more Kurt you said it
beautifully when we had coffee this
morning when you're like breaking you
want to make a sentence like there's a
topic there's a whatever everything in
there then you realized hey sometimes
you can just say a word you write an
essay you read a story sometimes they
just write a word damn that's one word
yes oh yes unless this ends today's
thing with the a word what's your word
have two words but I'm trying to
condense it into one but I don't know if
that word exists hey Unni create one hey
you're new it that you can create it you
can hyphenate it it's up to you you got
choice man it's your choice continued
learning with a hyphen in the middle
continue learning continually mine is
transparent transparent I see thanks man
thanks for having me yeah yeah thanks
for being here this was good dude
yeah no I think we learned a lot and
this is kind of why I wanted to create
this show is to like document
conversations like this natural
conversations about things that we care
about and you know things that we learn
from and help others maybe learn from it
too hopefully hopefully people out there
got something from this conversation as
I think we both did yeah man thanks a
lot for that no thank you thank you yeah
all right thanks guys
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